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Red Jabuticaba Grove Maintenance: Sucker Removal & Propagation, Pruning, Weeding, and Fertilizing
Applying Espoma Holly Tone to Jabuticaba Grove
Progress Report on New Grimal Jaboticaba Grove
70 year old jaboticaba!! Grafting and air layering
Tasting Fruits From a Weird Plinia Seedling (Most Likely a Mutant Red Jaboticaba)
Injured Old Steezer #skateboarding #sk8 #Skate #over40 #kneepain #acl #keepgoing
Excellent Crop of Red Jaboticaba
How This Rare Fruit Grower Protects Trees From Cold Damage (Phase 2)
Rare Fruit Pics 2011-12 (part 2) Lecture - Starting Farm Growing Trees
How This Rare Fruit Grower Prepares for a Freeze (Phase 1)
The Six (6) sided Pitanga/Pitangatuba Suriname Cherry/Starcherry Eugenia Challenge: CAN U FIND ONE!?
Trials & Tribulations: Growing Annonas Where it's Too Cold & Wet